Here are some frequently asked questions about the Bouillon.

Location and opening Times

  • Bouillon Pigalle, 22 boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris
  • Bouillon République, 39 boulevard du temple, 75003 Paris

We are present on Deliveroo in the following cities within a 4km radius:

    • République
    • Champ de mars
    • Bagneux
    • Courbevoie
    • Saint-Ouen

Click and collect : Pigalle et République


For our restaurants:
Midday-Midgnight, non-stop service 7/7

For delivery and click and collect :
10h - 22h 7/7

A Parisian Bouillon is a type of restaurant serving French traditional cuisine with quality food served quickly and for affordable prices.

Booking and payments

You can book at Bouillon Pigalle for 2 to 12 people and at Bouillon République for 2 to 200 people.

See our page: https://bouillonlesite.com/reservation to make your reservation

At République all payments are accepted except Amex and cheques.

At Pigalle all payments are accepted except Amex, cheques and luncheon vouchers.


Yes, we offer vegetarian and vegan options in our restaurants or on delivery.

You can check our menus to find out more.

Yes, we are accessible to people with disabilities.

Yes, we do accept your dog.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask us on Instagram